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Privacy Policy

This web site is managed and supervised by the company Gabriela Goffi Profumeria, as owner of the data treatment. Our company, always aware of the clients’ needs, commits itself in protecting their personal data in conformity with the D. Lgs. 196/2003 and Ue 2016/679 GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

Privacy Policy

To enter in some of the website sections and/or request information, the users might be demanded to fill a form with personal data, which will be treated by the company Gabriela Goffi Profumeria, in form of titular of the treatment in conformity with the D.Lgs. 196/2003 (Privacy Statement).
With the herein the users are informed, even before entering to the above mentioned sections, and before filling their data, of the treatment modalities by Gabriela Goffi Profumeria of the data themselves. The users must acknowledge that before providing their personal data filling the dedicated spaces inside the website sections.

Treatment Purposes

The purposes of the personal data treatment, provided directly by the clients through the filling of an online form will be the following:
a) to allow the registration for the website, which is necessary to enter to specific sections of the website itself;
b) to respond at the clients’ info requests regarding our products and services;
c) provide products and services.

Treatment Modalities

The personal data will be treated in a paper and with electronic tools, with logics strictly correlated to the above mentioned purposes.

Data Providing Nature

The providing of the data and the related treatment must be considered optional in cases like a) and b), but it is to notice that non providing or wrongly providing of the data might cause the impossibility of the service itself as requested. The providing of the data it is to be intended mandatory in case c).

Subjects that might acknowledge the data

Employers and collaborators, nominated responsibles or encharged of the treatment, operating under the direct authority of the owner might come in contact with the personal data and they will submit to the instructions received.

Data communication or distribution limits

The personal data communication is not contemplated unless it is for normative/tax obligations.
It is not contemplated the ditribution of the data to third parties.

Clients’ Rights

In regard with the above mentioned treatments the clients will have the power to exercise the rights dictated by the art. 7 D. Lgs. 196/2003 ( the full text is mentioned in the following point), within the limits and conditions contemplated by the art. 8, 9 and 10 of the mentioned law decrete. Further information regarding the treatment and the communication of personal data directly provided or otherwise received, can be requested to the administrative office.

ART. 7 Clients’ rights regarding the personal data treatment

1. The client has the right to obtain the confirmation of the existence or not of own personal data, even if not registered yet, and their communication in an intelligible way,

2.The client has the right to obtain information about:

a) personal data origin
b) treatment purposes and modalities
c) logic applied in case the treatment is executed through electronic tools
d) the holder’s identificative data, the ones of the responsibles and of the designated representing figure in conformity with the article 5 comma 2
e) of the subjects and subjects’ categories to whom the personal data can be communicated or that might get in contact figuring as designated representant in the State, of responsibles or encharged persons.

3. The client has the right to obtain:

a) the update, the correction that is when he expresses the desire the integration of further data
b) the cancellation, change in an anonymous way or the block of the data treated not accordingly the current laws, including the ones that don’t need to be kept regarding the purposes for those the data were gathered or subsequently treated
c) the certificate expressing that the operations mentioned in lett. a) e b) have been communicated also for what concerns their content, to the persons to whom the data have been communicated to or distributed, excluding the case in which the execution is impossible to complete or requires a greater display of means according to what established by contract

4. The client has the right to oppose himself, completely or partially:

a) for legitimate reasons linked to the personal data treatment concerning himself related to the gather purpose
b) to the personal data treatment for commercial material distribution or direct sales or for the execution of commercial marketing research

The rights are valid requesting, without formalities to the Titular, also via encharged person, without delay and with valid proof.

Data Treatment Titular

Gabriela Goffi Profumeria – info@acquaspoleto.com

Treatment Responsible (External)

Accounting/tax counselor and employment counselor